This page lists all the current products of Product Type 1296.
Product Types are identified by basic differences in the components used to make a product. Examples of differences are plating, webbing yarn type, coatings, and printing.
The products are listed vertically. Please SCROLL DOWN to view more product options. If you find a variation you like, you can adjust color and length by using the menus underneath that product.
If you don't see a combination you are looking for, please call us at 1-877-360-5528 or email us at and let us know what you are looking for.
Product Type 1296 Currently Includes 1 Unique Products
PRODUCT NUMBER: 1296 | MODEL: 1296-K1 | $5.19 per strap | |||||
DESCRIPTION: 3.5 Inch Wide Tubular Nylon Protective Sleeve, Fits Webbing Up To 3 Inches Wide, Cut To Length, Total Strap Length 1 Ft (12 Inches), CPS3-K 3.5 Inch Black Tubular Nylon Protective Sleeve, Made In The USA. |